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Webinar on topic of “Good Practices of O &M on bio-digesters and other generator’s facilities Part II”
Field monitoring to the fattening pig farm located in Puok district, Siem Reap Province
Online webinar on “Good Practice on O&M of bio-digesters and generator's facilities Part II"
“Reduction of Greenhouse gas emission through Promotion of Commercial Biogas Plants”
Student Visit to Elevate the Knowledge of Sustainable Living through Biogas Technologies
Webinar on the topic of “Good Operation and Maintenance on biogas plants and biogas genset’s facilities”
Online webinar on
BTIC technical team accompanied with the German expert had conducted the field monitoring
Webinar on
On 17-20, March 2022 BTIC technical team and German SES Expert, SES
Webinar on “Introductory to Biogas Technology and its Utilization”
Afternoon, On 15 March 2022, BTIC technical team and UNIDO
(BTIC) conducted the field monitoring to assess the efficiency of commercial biogas treatment systems in M’s pig II
Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) organized the field visit
Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC) of Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) organized the signing ceremony
Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC)
Happy Cambodian Independence Day 9th November, 68th Anniversary
Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC) conducted the field mission to the piggy & chicken farm
On behalf of BTIC , we would like to wish you all have a safe trip and keep a social distance.
From 30 September to 03 October 2021, Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC)
Financing of Commercial Biogas System in Cambodia for Financial Institutions
On 10 August 2021 in morning, Biogas Technology, and Information Center (BTIC) has organized the virtual training workshop on “Accelerating adaption of commercial biogas plants in Cambodia: Policy and Financial Opportunity”
“Social and Legal Aspects of Developing biogas project in Cambodia”
Social and Legal Aspects of Biogas Project in Cambodia
Commercial Biogas Energy System
Training on EPCM
Procurement Engineering
Green Energy Biogas
Happy Khmer New Year 2021
International Women 's Day !
The BTIC technical team conducted a field monitoring
UNIDO Biogas project and the Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC) Cambodia
Feasibility Study
Feasibility study
conducted field visit to a Cattle farm
conducted field visit to a piggery farm
field monitoring in M's pig farm located in Preah Sihanoukvile
Feasibility Study report on Installing biogas systems
Feasibility Study report
conducted a field monitoring in M's pig farm
check possibility and assessment
power logger to determine peak load
biogas pretreatment system
install a biogas flow meter
discuss about procedure and conditions to get incentive
Installing biogas pre-treatment system
Assessment on biogas potential
BTIC Technical Working Group conducts biogas quality survey of Biogas filters and generators control the farm's pig farm
BTIC technical team conducted monitoring on biogas treatment system at M’s Pig Farm from March 12th - 13th, 2020.
Pretreatment_O&M manual_Khmer version
Renewable Energy Investment Projects in Industry: Development of Biogas based power generation plants & Investment in Biogas Technology Improvements
Financial Support for Bachelor Thesis Research
A first unit of test digester was constructed by BTIC under the supervision of a Biogas International Expert.
The 2-week training course on Commercial Biogas Technology has been completed on 5 July 2018
Continue from the first training, UNIDO in close collaboration with BIOMA of China will organize the second part of a training series
Closing session of the Training course on Commercial Biogas Technology and Handover of Monitoring Equipment to BTIC
The first part of the training on Commercial Biogas Technology is happening now at Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC) hosted by Royal University of Agriculture (RUA).
Promotion of Commercial Biogas Plant Project's Newsletter Issue No. 3
BTIC and German Biogas Association (FvB) to conduct an Analysis of alternative uses of Biogas in Cambodia
BTIC has been working with International Biogas Expert, Mr. Bart Frederiks who has been commissioned by UNIDO Biogas project to support procurement management on behalf of the participating pig farms
August 14-17, 2017, Phnom Penh - A mission of Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture of China (BIOMA) to Biogas Technology and Information Center
Mini-exhibition on the biogas technologies was also carried out during the launch of the center, with participation of 8 suppliers
UNIDO in collaboration with the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) of Cambodia launched a BTIC in Phnom Penh on December 8th, 2016.