Webinar on topic of “Good Practices of O &M on bio-digesters and other generator’s facilities Part II”

Morning on 30, June 20222, Biogas Technology and Information Center (BTIC) under the cooperation of National Bio-digesters Program (NBP), General Directorate of Animal Health and Production (GDAHP) under the support of UNIDO had conducted the fourth webinar on topic of “Good Practices of O &M on bio-digesters and other generator’s facilities Part II” which had been participated in total of 35 people from other relevant stakeholders such as government organization, livestock farms and private sector. This webinar aimed to strengthen the basic knowledge of biogas hazards management and safety protocols on operating both domestic bio-digesters and commercial biogas plants alongside with inspecting and recording data during the genset’s operation as well as understanding the economical, social and environmental aspects.
Tel: <img src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/taa/1.5/16/1f449.png" al
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27LnPNE30P4

